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Richer, MCBOS Send Out Estimated Double Number of Ballots in Arizona

In multiple twitter and social media posts, countless voters recounted stories of receiving up to double the amounts of ballots mailed to them than registered voters who lived there by Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer and the Maricopa Board of Supervisors. Reports indicated old residents who no longer live there and unexplained duplicates. National Republican Delegate Tyler Bowyer tweeted on x “Look how many ballots came to my house today, @maricopacounty! Guess how many voters I have at my house? 2! These people haven’t lived in this house for many many years. Also, we did not receive their ballots in previous elections. How is it right to send early ballots to people who haven’t requested them who haven’t lived in a location for so long? The only people that could be okay with this don’t take elections seriously.”

AZ Women of Action tweeted “@stephen_richer, this family got more ballots than there are voters at their residence. Hopefully, the voter rolls will be cleaned up amd ready for 2024!” and “As per this families’ experience: The daughter removed herself from AZ voter rolls through the @RecordersOffice  when she moved to NY 6 yrs ago. After getting an AZ ballot, she contacted the Maricopa recorder’s office to remove herself again. She then moved to CA & continued to get AZ voter info but no ballots until now. The last time she voted in AZ was in 2016.”

A third tweeted “Oh look! It happened AGAIN at my house. None of my adult kids live here. All of them are registered at their current address. One has lived in CA for 10+ years. He votes there. Every cycle they respond to the Recorders office to change this, but I still receive their MiBs.”

One commenter said “I moved and registered to my new address and sadly getting maricopa election info to old address. Will have to see if I get a ballot there”

Another who received TRIPLE the number added: “I got 4 last year also. Just me living in my home.”

Others said:

“I’m a first time voter in Arizona & Maricopa. When I got my drivers license, I said I didn’t want a mail ballot. I wanted to vote in person. I STILL got a ballot. Arizona is a broken election state”

“My Mom passed away last month and a few days later, I get a letter confirming her passing and she’ll be taken off the Voter roll. Today, I get a mail-inballot for her. IDIOTS @stephen_richer

“Looks like the crooked state government and election officials are going to try and pull off another fraudulent election.”

“The cheat is in. They are letting non-profits print and send ballots with out any accountability.”

AZGOP Promotes Convicted Drug Dealer Who Intimidates Women and PCs and Threatens Physical Violence

Both in a mass email to Arizona and on their Twitter page, the AZGOP is promoting convicted drug dealer Andrew Adams, who intimidates women and Precinct Committeemen and just 2 weeks ago threatened physical violence in front of 2 witnesses after following a County Member at Large into a dark parking lot. One reader had this to say: “AZGOP promoting this scum?” Another said: “Why unhinged guy like Adams, convicted drug dealer has been approved to serve as the AZGOP LD14 Chairman??!! This is unacceptable! AZGOP, what kind of message are you sending to the people of Arizona? Selling drugs through the open borders?”

In a tweet AZGOP said “GREAT NEWS FROM #LD14 Andrew Adams, LD14 Chairman, shared their impressive 2022 election wins and their commitment to amplifying efforts in 2024. Join them http://ld14gop.com ” The AZGOP Newsletter email dated October 16, 2023 went on to add “LD14 can not only maintain its position but can also inspire neighboring districts to follow suit. The goal is clear: Keep LD14 solidly Republican and set an example for others.”

Witnesses of Threats of Violence by Andrew Adams had this to say:

Witness 1: “I saw Andrew Adams holding up and leading out the door, He held it open and stared at Brian Ference as he was walking through the door. Brian didn’t turn to acknowledge him or engage. I held back talking to someone, then in the parking lot I saw Andrew engaging Brian. Brian said “I’m trying to leave”.”

Witness 2: “I went inside and waited when Brian came down the stairs speaking with (Name Omitted). Andrew Adams was in front of Brian and exited the building. I was exiting the building with Brian when Andrew turned around and waited for us outside. We started walking down the sidewalk and Andrew walked directly behind us. When we were walking in the parking lot, Andrew stated to Brian “I see you have your girlfriends with you.” Then Andrew started insulting Brian and saying he would “Meet Brian any day in the parking lot.” Around this time Brian pulled out his phone to record the incident.

Witness 3: “When we left the complex Andrew Adams made sure to let us walk in front of him. He was looking angry at Brian the hole time and said “Oh, you got your two bitches to defend you?” I turned to him to ask him if he called me a bitch. There was some follow up conversation but I didn’t pay attention as I was more focused on keeping an eye on Andrew’s hands to see if he was going to try and hit me.”

This is a Pattern of Intimidation. See What Other LD14 PCs Who Andrew Doesn’t Agree With Had to Say:

“In response to the intimidation of PCs for speaking out or asking questions in our social media groups, we have all witnessed this happening over the past several months. The executive board has no problems with singling out and actively engaging in the degradation of individual PCs in posts discussions.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

“I have been a PC with LD14 and LD12. In the past year I have seen a gradual change in Andrew Adams, from being very friendly and supportive to aggressive and hostile towards PCs, especially those who openly won’t “tow the line” on FB and telegram.
– Anonymous LD14 PC

“I am a Precinct Committeeman for Legislative District 14. It is very concerning to see the extreme measures the District Executive board, especially Jim Hamilton and Andrew Adams, will take to keep hidden what is occurring within our District. They have created a very hostile environment both on social media and at our meetings to discourage the members from asking questions or disagreeing with them through intimidation.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

“I am a LD14 PC and have an issue with trusting what my chairman says when I have seen many “half-truth” statements being posted to our social media groups by him. His responses to those who question the validity of his statement are often gaslighted rather aggressively.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

“I am a PC in the LD14 district and find it very intimidating to be photographed by our district photographer at our meetings, openly denying our request not to be. Yet, we are reminded each month prior to our district meetings that recording the meeting by attendees is not allowed. ”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

“If you question them they kick you out of the District Facebook and Telegram Group and tell people you are ‘evil’ or ‘nasty’ and to ‘block’ you.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

“Jim Hamilton and several others are all in support of Andrew without even discussing the merits of Andrew’s accusations. While others on the LD14 telegram channel (like myself) are afraid to post for fear of retaliation”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

Prior Drug Conviction and Juvenile Arrests

Andrew Adams was sentenced for a Drug Conviction on March 8, 2010. A review of the Chandler Police Departmental Report #0902756 refers to Andrew Adams listed in a drug buyers phone contact list as “Andrew Coke guy.” This points to likely prior hard drug sales/use by drug dealer Andrew Adams. The police report also provided evidence he was considered a “major drug dealer” and indicated Andrew had prior “Juvenile History” arrests. See the charges he pled guilty to, served probation, and had reduced to a misdemeanor in below screenshots of the police report:


Brian Ference is an Independent Journalist and Citizen Reporter covering Politics in Arizona.
You can Contact him or Follow him on Truth Social and X.

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