I wrote before about the AZGOP being insolvent and taking on a $1.9 million dollar mortgage One critical question never answered was who received the commission on that real estate transaction? At a conservative 3% commission, that is $57,000 in the pocket of some real estate agent. Who was that person?

Shortly after my article, Jeff Dewit and the AZGOP quickly announced “AZGOP Quarterly Fundraising Increases 348%” and the AZGOP claims they “raised $340,597 from over 2,700 individual donors…” for the 2023 third quarter (Q3 – July through September). But where did this miraculously timed money come from?

Their quarterly filings reveal some strange contradictions and the details:

Patriot Freedom PAC Inc (Shrouded in secrecy with no accurate filings to be found)
1750 Woodvale Dr, Charleston, WV 25314
09/26/2023 $200,000

JRL Living Family Trust (Certainly looks likes Desantis Lover Jim Lamon)
Po Box 361, Cascade, ID 83611
09/21/2023 $25,000.00

Only 2 Donors donated $225,000. What was given in exchange? Why did many PCs complain of an increase in fundraising emails and texts from politicians across the US shortly after? Is AZGOP selling voter data?

In their official Reporting Period: July 1, 2023-September 30, 2023 the total reported income was much lower at $234,798.50 (with 96% coming from only 2 donors. A strange contradiction to the AZGOP Press release shown below which claimed “2,700 Individual donors” . What happened to the missing $105,798.50 or does the AZGOP just make up fake numbers like the Biden Administration and then correct them down?

Cash Balance at Beginning of Reporting Period: $143,636.95
Cash Balance at End of Reporting Period: $214,571.98

Well wait a minute, that is only a $70,935.03 increase. With expenditures like $162,488.74 in operating expenses in the quarter, the AZGOP continues to lack any form of fiscal conservancy.

Credit Card Expenses $20,421.72
Property Investment Arizona Freedom Center, LLC $7,990.00, $20,000.00
Arizona Young Republicans$1,000.00,
Allocation Transfer $29,995.19, $25,537.21, 12,500.00, $11,165.07

Where are all these “Allocation Transfers” going? Jeff Dewit Continues to lie and fail Arizona and must be removed from his position.